Sunday, March 17, 2013

Once Upon A Time Season 2 Episode 17 [VC]

Episode 17 has now aired and had me at the edge of my seat wishing the commercials could be fast forwarded. Questions went through my mind such as, why did they go back in time? Who is this little boy? Whats going to happen next episode?
During this episode they took us back to the beginning, when Regina [Evil Queen] first casted the curse. Everything was perfect for her, she was now Mayor of Storybrooke and everyone worshipped her. They did as she asked never doing anything different unless she said to. Regina had power but still there was something missing....Love, genuine love from another.
Going to the past this episode let us see Regina was in need of love and would do anything to have it. When Curt and his son Owen Flynn came into town she fell in love with the little boy and the thought of being a mother. She wanted Curt and Owen to stay in Storybrooke so she can be with Owen. As we all know Regina, she will do anything to get what she wants, and thats exactly what she tried to do when Curt decided it was time to leave town. She had the Curt Flynn wrongly accused of drunk driving and was arrested. As his son, Owen, watched as he was arrested he sobbed and was going to run away from Regina but suddenly stopped to talk to her. She told the boy she wanted "them" to be happy and that was why she was doing this. The key words that would stick with Regina for years to come was his response "Not like this." Owen ran away to find help and Regina took his Curt away, never to see his son again.
As we go back to present day Storybrooke, Regina's mother Cora has passed away and she is now seaking vengence on Mary Margaret [Snow White] for causing her mothers death. Only problem here was if Regina kills Mary Margaret she will lose Henry [her son] for killing his grandmother. Regina found a curse that would make someone "think" they loved another, this would allow her to have both vengence and Henry.
At the end, Henry was able to convince Regina that cursing him to think to love her and killing Mary Margaret would only destroy his family. Regina destroyed the spell and let Mary Margaret live. As Mary Margaret was feeling guilty still for the bad she's done went to Regina and begged her to kill her to stop the feud. Happily, Regina rips out Mary Margarets heart, but looking at her heart she notices it has a little bit of darkness growing inside. This makes Regina ecstatic because she knows personally once you've allowed darkness in your heart it just keeps growing. So, Regina puts back Mary Margarets heart and tells her she will let Mary Margaret destroy herself and her family on her own now that she has darkness in her heart.
As all this played out there was a man videotaping the magical events that took place. Until this past episode no one knew who this guy was and he was always at the right time videotaping Regina using magic. Well, now we know he's little Owen Flynn all grown up.
The episodes are juicer than ever, can not wait untill the next episode. Will Owen find his dad ? Will Mary Margaret's heart really fill with darkness? Will the feud ever cease? We'll find out next week Sunday on ABC at 8p !

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